This town is all about having fun and if you handpick your girlfriends (which I am sure you do) you are bound to have an unforgettable experience. Here are some ideas. Pick the ones you like most and create your own, personalized itinerary. Coffee, please: Sugar Angel: a girly oasis for great coffee and sweets. Head inside to feel as if … Read More
Open House Thessaloniki, the city revealed
Imagine an architectural safari around the city that opens up the doors to museums, historic hotels and buildings, creative agencies, Byzantine churches, monuments but also private homes for residents and visitors alike. That’s what Open House Thessaloniki is, a celebration of architecture and design when volunteers transform the city into an open museum for two days every year. A simple … Read More
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Blé in Thessaloniki: an all day gourmet destination
Strolling around Thessaloniki, I realised that there is a new type of bakeries – patisseries – cafés aspiring to become the new talk-of-the-town. One of my favorites lies downtown, at the corner of Aghias Sophias and Georgiou Stavrou and it is called Blé: a unique gourmet boutique, a destination for every single hour of the day. Ideal to start the … Read More
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