Best places for coffee in Lausanne

A few years ago, specialty coffee was non-existent in Lausanne. But nowadays, young people and specialty coffee enthusiasts have founded coffee trucks and coffee shops which serve a great cup of coffee, worth queuing for. There are, also, a few restaurants which serve a good cup of coffee. Here is where to find them: Ça Passe Crème Ça Passe Créme … Read More

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Where to find Greek products in Switzerland

Where to find Greek products in Switzerland

As Greek expats in Switzerland, we often need to find some Greek specialties in order to cook our favourite recipes or just because we miss a taste of Greece every now and then. For the last 9 years that we have been living in Lausanne, we have discovered various places offering Greek extra virgin olive oil, honey, cheese, herbs, paksimadia … Read More

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Cooking – where to get inspiration for new recipes

Cooking – where to get inspiration for new recipes

These days are mostly spent at home by most people I know and I bet there is a lot of cooking and baking involved, as is the case in our house. That’s why I thought I would share some of our favourite web addresses and persons that inspire us to try out new recipes, ingredients and techniques in case you … Read More

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